Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Okinawa, here I come.

I am so excited to be in Okinawa within hours inchallah :). We are going there for a fieldwork with a team from our lab. I have always wanted to go to this island and thanks Goodness, here comes the opportunity to do so.
Hamdoullah :)

So here is a hint on the location of Okinawa:

For more information have a look here while awaiting for my report and pictures after getting back ;).

Sunday, February 26, 2006

See 1, Do 1, Teach 1

A good axiom in life about learning is the following:
see one, do one, teach one.

It works well for anyone keen on improving his/her skills and on passing the knowledge to others.

Also do not forget that who asks gets and who doesn't, does'nt...!

#1 song on the day you were born

Well I was surfing on Lassiter Space and he had a nice thread about :"What song was #1 the day you were born?".
As of my song, it was "Le Freak" by Chic.
I don't think that I have ever heard it before. So I will try to find it right away.
Well,, what about yours? I know you're too curious to let me finish my sentence and that by now, you might have found out about your #1 song of your birthdate.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Al-Intimaa" ...



The feeling of belonging... to a given set, eventually ??

Between to two states there is a sea of wandering waves of critical emotions that might define or decide about our acceptance or rejection to/in the set.

I explain.

I was contemplating the expression "achou3our bel intimaa" ( it is Arabic and it means the feeling of belonging to something) and I was trying to find when one does not feel belonging to a given set. Or, how does one get such a feeling and how true it could be.

I came to the conclusion that as any element e in ( belonging to ) a set S, e should verify the properties ( attributes) of S in order to be part of it, else it is _outcast_.
Simple sets theory and yet how true in our daily life.
...If in any given society one comes to the feeling that he/she is not belonging to that society, that is he/she could not integrate it, then either the element has very different ( excluding attributes) or the set does not have extensible properties to insure inclusion or may be is the element a set itself that should not be treated as a simpleton but rather as whole structure that need to keep its own attributes as well...Then some common grounds got be found, for at least though questioning its belonging, the element does exist in that set, in other words, if someone is part of a society, feeling belonging or feeling exclusion, that person exists in that society, still.
do I make sense ?_?. The right to exist then is not or should not be a function of the feeling of belonging or not.

Are we humans elements in the society or sets of the soceity ? Because we don't treat an element and a set in the same way. While one gets belonging, the other gets inclusion. While in the latter you keep your own belongins, in the former, somehow you acquire others belongings and melt, losing may be your own attributes....That's why, when the element does not melt...it disturbs. Still, that does not mean that element hasn't the right to exist.

ok, I intended to have a break and here I am swimming in a sea of sets and elements.
Should I get a break during my break o_O
Enough Gaijin, you are giving me a headache, go get yourself a coffee and make sure your sugar melts ;)

Ahhh Nihon you are driving me crazy :).

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."

"Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing."

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)

Monday, February 13, 2006


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jokes for the 21st century :)

I have just received these jokes. They got to be shared. I can't stop laughing :)).
Have fun my guests :) .

Monday, February 06, 2006

Valentine: The Infatuation!

How crazy could salers turn in order to attract MORE customers, or shall I say...to attract crazier customers.. ?_?

A life size statue of U.S. actor Brad Pitt, made of 80kg's chocolate, is displayed by a make-up artist for upcoming Valentine's Day at Hyundai Department Store in Seoul, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2006. (AP Photo/ Lee Jin-man) Height (pixels): 512 Width (pixels): 372
• LEE JIN-MAN (AP - dimanche 5 février 2006, 6h18)

Is Valentine worth the trouble?

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I often think of making a wish list and I keep forgetting. Mostly, whenever I am about to create one, I can't recall the books I would like to read >__<. This happens very often. *_*.
Doc, am I fine? How can I "cache" my short memory ?_?.
Hehe, how I love it when I can use of my computer jargon ^_^.
Very lame. ok, move on people.
Back to the subject, my wish list.
I will be updating this thread. Let it once and for all have a start.
To begin, I just found this title in My Documents and I can't, again, recall, when I have saved it. But I must have for a reason. Perhaps, to read it. Surely.

So, I would like to find then read this book:

The title, itself, is inspiring enough :)... and may be very suitable to a person who keeps somehow forgetting like myself :(.

Lord, Help! :).

Sometimes I wonder that I should moderate my sarcasm. May be that is what is defecting my short memory.

Okey dokey, enough kidding. It is time to go to bed or do something more beneficient than blogging. No offense blogger friends, ^^/.

Seriously, I need to stop the shillyshally. ...Mmm.

Pride and Prejudice

Two weeks ago, I watched the movie...which prompted me to read the book.
I just finished reading it somedays ago and I loved it.
I can't compare it to the movie for it is way better mostly because the two-hour movie couldn't depict faithfully the many months illustrated in the book!!!

It is not the subtle pride/prejudice battle that I liked about it but the whole atmosphere that is brought to life while reading it. It is a simple story but it taught me much about the 18th century.
I liked the state of dignity, politness and good manners that reigned at that time. May be today's Europe should seek back some of its 18th century education to ponder over the meaning of limits and freedom...and dignity and respect. ( yes too many "and"s..)

If you would like to have a taste of the book, have a look here: Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The polemical Danish cartoons

"My guess is that no one in the next generation is going to want to draw the Prophet Mohammed in Denmark and therefore I must ashamedly admit it: they've won," Carsten Juste told the Berlingske Tidende daily.

Those who abuse of freedom of speech only get it.... the hard way !
Goodness! how ill-mannered they could be.

Could sacrilege and disrespect be an expression of the freedom of speech?

I don't think so.

Media tend to confuse freedom of speech with contempt. Though it is entitled to criticize, media should not scoff, for they are accountable to individuals to honor TRUTH. It is a responsability, if not well accomplished, distrust and ignorance are to be the results.

Eventually, I've noticed that only people with no morals are insensitive towards people who have morals! However, do people who have morals have to dismiss their sensitivity in order to tolerate every insensitivity,... to prove of their sensibility O_o.

Tolerance and intolerance, I guess, are byproducts of media. Therefore, media is again and always accountable to the folks!


Finally Microsoft is updating its internet explorer. Here, check it out: IE7
At first sight, it seems strange to me to see tabs in IE, however I very much welcome them. The environment looks a bit different from the usual. Very expected after a change.
They said it is still in beta form. The big release is set for March, I think.
In the meanwhile, let's debugg it together :).