Thursday, February 02, 2006

The polemical Danish cartoons

"My guess is that no one in the next generation is going to want to draw the Prophet Mohammed in Denmark and therefore I must ashamedly admit it: they've won," Carsten Juste told the Berlingske Tidende daily.

Those who abuse of freedom of speech only get it.... the hard way !
Goodness! how ill-mannered they could be.

Could sacrilege and disrespect be an expression of the freedom of speech?

I don't think so.

Media tend to confuse freedom of speech with contempt. Though it is entitled to criticize, media should not scoff, for they are accountable to individuals to honor TRUTH. It is a responsability, if not well accomplished, distrust and ignorance are to be the results.

Eventually, I've noticed that only people with no morals are insensitive towards people who have morals! However, do people who have morals have to dismiss their sensitivity in order to tolerate every insensitivity,... to prove of their sensibility O_o.

Tolerance and intolerance, I guess, are byproducts of media. Therefore, media is again and always accountable to the folks!


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