Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Al-Intimaa" ...



The feeling of belonging... to a given set, eventually ??

Between to two states there is a sea of wandering waves of critical emotions that might define or decide about our acceptance or rejection to/in the set.

I explain.

I was contemplating the expression "achou3our bel intimaa" ( it is Arabic and it means the feeling of belonging to something) and I was trying to find when one does not feel belonging to a given set. Or, how does one get such a feeling and how true it could be.

I came to the conclusion that as any element e in ( belonging to ) a set S, e should verify the properties ( attributes) of S in order to be part of it, else it is _outcast_.
Simple sets theory and yet how true in our daily life.
...If in any given society one comes to the feeling that he/she is not belonging to that society, that is he/she could not integrate it, then either the element has very different ( excluding attributes) or the set does not have extensible properties to insure inclusion or may be is the element a set itself that should not be treated as a simpleton but rather as whole structure that need to keep its own attributes as well...Then some common grounds got be found, for at least though questioning its belonging, the element does exist in that set, in other words, if someone is part of a society, feeling belonging or feeling exclusion, that person exists in that society, still.
do I make sense ?_?. The right to exist then is not or should not be a function of the feeling of belonging or not.

Are we humans elements in the society or sets of the soceity ? Because we don't treat an element and a set in the same way. While one gets belonging, the other gets inclusion. While in the latter you keep your own belongins, in the former, somehow you acquire others belongings and melt, losing may be your own attributes....That's why, when the element does not disturbs. Still, that does not mean that element hasn't the right to exist.

ok, I intended to have a break and here I am swimming in a sea of sets and elements.
Should I get a break during my break o_O
Enough Gaijin, you are giving me a headache, go get yourself a coffee and make sure your sugar melts ;)

Ahhh Nihon you are driving me crazy :).


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