Thursday, June 26, 2008

exchanging glances

The expression of his eyes has changed.
where she used to see arrogance, she now sees intimidation.
When their eyes share a connection, some light bursts from his pupil and he can't stare for a long while.
She, however, is blinded by the lightening.
She smiles away as she hears his heart beat.
His soft blue-sky-in-a-sunny-day eyes are a safe cloud she likes to land on when it winds or rains.
His intimidation humbles her and warms her being.
She dares to see through his blue sky while he gets rooted in her grounded earthy eyes.

Now here she tells about her grounds.
they have a special green grass that reflects the light straight into her pupil and she can't stare.
She is intimidated.
When the other smiles, his eyes are reduced to their best: a ray of shining light that enlightens every corner in her heart and she feels her inside uncovered. she barely swallows cause she feels he can see her oesophagus...and either closes her eyes or turns away. Sometimes she dares to look into the shining sun, while she gets blinded, he gets a connection to his soul that scares him away and he stops smiling cutting his ray of light away. oof, peace now. and they replay the same eye game each time their souls feel the need to communicate.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Depuis que la touche Supprimer sur le clavier a remplace la gomme sur la feuille, je n'ai pas vraiment gomme depuis des siecles...
et aujourd'hui, j'ai du effacer tout un livre...avec une gomme...Quelle torture....

It has been a decade now since I used an eraser...With the keyboard and the screen, who still uses a pen and a paper...Of course, I am being sarcastic here and thank God there still are good people there using the traditional and eternal means of communication.
But this is not the subject of my thread.
I want to talk about the delete button on the screen. How useful, easy and FAST it is!!!! combining CTRL+A and delete you can make a 1000-page book disappear in a blick of an eye. But, today, I had to spend God knows how many minutes to erase crayon writing in a book. I missed the delete button then. How I wished I could process that task with a robot or something.
Bon, je m arrete la et je vais reprendre ma tache monotone. Ma seule motivation est le bien qui se produira une fois j'ai termine d'effacer l'ecriture pour que je puisse faire des copies afin de rendre l'utilisation du livre utile de nouveau....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm not sorry

..."it's human nature"....
"express yourself"...but...
"don't repress yourself" and DON'T YOU repress others ;)

..."did I say something true"??
or did I say something wrong...

Oops...did I just express my point of view???
Oh, didn't know we couldn't talk about you...

euh, just listen :)

(these are not the lyrics)just my adaptation (using some parts of the lyrics) to illustrate the thread :)
...don't try to understand, I am making "no sense" ..

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Ce n'est pas vraiment un truc de ouf...mais c'est dumoins un truc considerable...
il y a une heure a peu pres, elle s 'est liberee momentanement de sa capture.
Elle ne sait pas combien cette escapade va durer mais elle sait qu'elle a au moins 24heures de vie sereine avant de rejoindre sa cellule et faire face a son jugement...
Elle se sent CREVEE!!!
Elle n'a plus la force de mettre a jour son journal si cher a ses doigts...
Elle se force de taper encore une ligne avant de se rendre au sommeil...non, elle doit rentrer. Pas de sommeil bien qu'elle se sent s'evanouir.
Elle aspire a un bain chaud dans lequel elle tentera de noyer ses esprits rigides et uses pour se rafraichir les idees et stimuler ses neurones avec de nouvelle matiere grise car ce qui lui en reste en reserve a present saura a peine la conduire chez elle...

Sur ce, elle vous dit, bonne nuit! Elle n'en peut plus. Ses muscles, sa vision crient à l aide!!! Elle veut bien s'activer mais elle n'y arrive pas car son corps est bien epuisé par la sur-exposition de son cerveau a la facultee de pensee et de reflexion.

Bon, a demain alors ou a plutard!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

tic tac tic tac

ca va sonner bientôt...
il faut se dépêcher si on veut être parmi les "survivants"...
C'est ainsi que commença..son histoire.
Sequestrée dans une grande salle avec sept autres têtes (elle a pu les "dénombrer"), la voilà se débattre contre les aiguilles du temps et les circuits de son cerveau. Ses méninges abordent le court-circuit. >__<. Des papiers éparpillés sur la table, des notes et cahiers par-ci, par-là...Un ordinateur au milieu, surlequel elle vous tape son texte courant, deux stylos a côté, des lunettes dans leur coffret, des livres à droite et à gauche. Elle est dans un monde cérébral et aspire a retourner sur terre...demain.
Pour se motiver et collecter ses esprits, elle a recourt a son espace privé sur ces lieux sacrés et desertés sauf par quelques fidèles curieux de passage ou en visite sur ou sans rendez-vous....

Elle se retrouve dans ses pieds. Ces pieds rassemblés et soutenus. Elle se sent le grand orteil qui harmonise le tout du corp et trace sa silhouette...C'est ainsi qu'elle essaie de tracer ses derniers mots sur un nombre fini de pages pour son 'disquisition' qui doit se rendre le lendemain.
Enfin, une issue possible, se dit-elle...espère-t-elle!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Parfum de Gitane

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I do !!!

I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him,I love him, i love him, i love him, I love him, I DO !!!

So rare to see me write, type or say such a thing...
My mother is gonna worry. ^^/ When I told her, mom i love you, she looked at me and said: are you ok? :))

So, my Sensei, I love him and I can't believe I am saying this.
We've been through a lot and I am glad I still don't hate him.
We had VERY rough times, but I am glad we worked it out.
God, I feel like talking about my husband or my potential significant other. hehehe
Now, I know...I want a guy that is crazy enough to share my craziness, that makes me LAUGH and perhaps NEVER think.
I am so tired of using my mind that I desperately,am in need for candid talk :).

Peace out :)

Now am heading home, to cook a delicious meal, for a delicious guest. hehehehe.

I like myself when I am in a good mood.

Ma soeur dirait: mezzel ki oui carina, mouch t3adda bark...93ad m3ana zeda :)

Stress the stress out

Burried under thousands of papers and hundreds of books and countless pdf files, I managed to escape in the land of procrastination for a couple of minutes, enough to write down these words. Words that are different from the technical jargon.
words that are humane.
am waiting for Him to call on me.
He must be reading the draft as I am procrastinating over his reaction, remakrs and our meeting, overall...
cope with stress by the stress :)
let it taste its own medecine **)

ok, I feel I should break the silence and go see him before I get his call.
Brave, yeah right! I am sure brave :))
enough sarcasm and waisting/using time.
thank u blogy.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

* Happy.. "Ness" says Hatem :) ...

There are some people who come into our lives and will never leave :).
Some people we cannot afford/allow to let go off or lose...
Such people are dear and, yes... unique, like everyone of us...yet special to some of us. These people who can imprint a smile on our faces or sow joy in our hearts or just shine on us with their whole being are, to me a blessing and a tresaure, I cherish and look forward to keeping in safe for as long as I could live.

Yesterday, my friend emailed me to comment on a ppt that I have forwarded.
He has his unique way to enchant my eyes with his sublte humor and fluent expression.
I had to smile. He drew it on my face with his words, his sentences... his sublte mind. I simply love him!
I always degust reading his writings, will always do as I always did...His style in a word is "Wunderbar" !!!

Das ist, Meine Frauen und sehr geehrte Herren, mein liebster deutsche Klasse und Lebenszeitfreund..."FRANCIS" oder "E.T" (wie er sich nennen mag.)!!!

Mensch, Ich verfehle dich!

This is a small thought I had today about my ten year-friend who now lives in Paris where he was born :)...

*By the way, note that Happy people are "Happiness"...Euh..Ness = people in Arabic, as hinted by my witty friend :)

and last but not least...He makes me Happy !!! :)))..........................................
...................most of the time ^^) lol.

I need this:

by ukaaa (Flickr).

seen in
