Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Russian Name :)

Your Russian Name Is...

Dominika Inessa Smirnov

What Makes You a Good Friend?

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal

You stick with your friends no matter what, even if you feel like they're doing the wrong thing.
You believe in letting people figure out their own path in life. It's not your place to interfere.

And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile.
You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about.

You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid.
Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen.

Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else

You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly

Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows."

Am I a Romantic or Realistic Girl?

hehe, I knew it:

You are Totally Realistic

"Romance" means you're about to roll your eyes
Seriously, you can do without the sap or drama
Save it for someone who has nothing really going on in their relationship

For you, love is real - and easily integrated into your life
You don't need candles, flowers, or chocolates to know he's the one
Just some stimulating conversation... and maybe a great smile.

am I the - Bring Home to Mom - type

Well, the test said yes!

Your Guy Should Bring You Home

You're classy, well-mannered, and you have great social skills.
And you're definitely sure to impress your guy's parents.
If he doesn't bring you home to meet mom, he's crazy!

Are You Prejudiced?

You Are Not Prejudiced

Not only are you color blind, but you're also ethnicity blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind.
You don't judge someone until you truly know them. And even then, you're probably reluctant to judge.
You try to treat everyone equally. Everyone has a fair chance with you.
Good job - there's not a prejudiced bone in your body.

Me, Myself and I

You Are Pretty Happy Being Single
You have a full, fun life. And you definitely don't need love to be content.Of course, being single can get you down a little. Especially when you've been single for a while.But you know how to be patient and wait for the right person. You're life is too good to settle for anything!

Are You Happy Being Single?

To someone who is special

Now, il y ait des gens qui nous sont, tout simplement, particuliers!!
We cherish and love them and look forward to keeping them till the end of time..
A ce genre d'individus, je souhaiterais me confesser:

You mean the world to me. What hurts you, hurts me and I will always be there for you. 1/
I will be deeply sad if I lose you. 2/
I hate to fight you or to doubt you so please don't prompt me coz I'll just freeze. 3/
Whatever happens, you will always remain special to me. 4/

To someone who thinks is special

Il y ait des fois, on rencontre des gens avec qui on s’entend guerre. A ce genre de personnes, je souhaiterais balancer mes quatre sous :

I don’t care if you don’t appreciate me 1/
The only reason I see you is because you have a physical appearance, for instance a volume that blocks my eyesight. Sadly you aren’t see-through…2/
I bug you?! Say you?!…you think I care? 3/
To know you = not to know you. 4/

Though, I respect you for you have proved to be smart...

Eventually I don’t look forward to knowing you.

So, relax and stop thinking you might be special for you mean genuinely nothing to me!

Ca m’enerve les nombrils du monde... surtout quand ils se le croient bien ! et ce que j'aime bien c'est que, I honestly don't care about them. They never get to me, however I hate it when they hurt my friends...
That's when I care...and then only.

long time no C

Waw, it has been a while...as usual that I've deserted this place and never looked back...
Today, I am stopping by, as usual when all hopes are gone, as if to contradict the facts.
I like to keep the faith :)

So where were we?