Wednesday, May 31, 2006

" lookin' 4 Funds"

Well, please, help me get funds to download a song I like (-^_^-).
I need to promote the website from which I would like to get this song.
So, who wants to help, pleaaaase :).
and the link is at
I'm supposed to get credits if anyone clicks there and subscribes as my friend.
so friends here and there, will you be there **/

Domo-domo :)


Calmly and wisely, erupted the volcano.
been beholding its anger for a while
yet as injustice grew blatant
in return,
the volcano gave 'them' as good as it got.
Tomorrow shall it spread its frozen ireful magma...

"Warte, warte nur ein Weilchen,
Bald kommt auch das Glück zu dir.
Mit dem ersten blauen Veilchen
Klopft es leis' an deine Tür.

-Willi Kollo - "

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tears of Heaven

This picture is having nothing to do with the CD or the just expressed I was feeling today noon...and YES, it helps so much to CRY from time to time...
It is a blessing from God to have TEARS...Somehow they are the best to cleanse one's eyes and comfort one's heart.

If there is one thing that I abhor is nonsense..and recently I have been fed nonsense to drive one crazy O_o... How unenjoyable it is to have to deal with people who behave like robots...[recall, robots, were first designed to behave like men...]
Yet, it's one thing for some people to like to play the is another thing when they also wanna make a robot out of you too...Here, it simply becomes beyond IRRITATING...
Right now, I am still cool, despite that inside I feel a volcano about to erupt...I am waiting for it to explod "ENOUGH"..Sayonara! I am afraid soon...Still measuring my forbearance, which, surprisingly, is still holding still...That must be GAMAN(=ENDURANCE)...

Wait a minute,, I always hated "endurance" races and loved sprints...When I wait for nonsense, I feel going against nature...and I wish I could zip it, sprint to the next level...Run as fast as you can as long as you can. Running "dabbadabba" frustrates holds back my energy, my motivation, my being...Though, i admit one needs to slow down from time to time, but only when necessary.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

"Tied up too tight"

"Oh where I come from ....I just don't conform ....

...Get me out of here! Leave the boredom behind
Wanna see the bright lights, Get this thing in gear


Soon I'm riding in my car; Follow the star; Drop on empty town
With the stereo lit; Take the Great West Road out"

...Yet, still bored T_T ...

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I might pretend to be cool with something VERY annoying, however, my body has recently started to react differently. Simply: it will strain to a point that exceeds my forbearance, sometimes >__<.
I wonder how our body communicates with our psychic?

Anyway, nighty.

Goodbye my friend !

"I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile."

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Fancy Pants Man !!

Here, check it out, what a great man, I mean, GAME ;).
Whenever you wanna "kill some time", just play the Fancy Pants Man ;).

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fiction vs Reality ...

I just read about this horrifying story...about the German Cannibal -_- ..
I still can't believe it happened for real.
Here is a French, "short" version.


-Ellotf ya Rabbi !-

Sunday, May 07, 2006

New Look

^^/ I had my hair cut yesterday. It feels so good to have a "new" head.
It suits my new house, my new part-time and my new mood ^^/.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Remember, remember the 5th of November"

Well, today was the "reward day".
The moving, excuse me, "the nightmare" was over, yet a new one to welcome, which is putting in order the new place...but let's proceed step by step ^^/
So, Today, my friend ( who helped me the most and I am VERY grateful to her assisting me in my moving ) and I, went to watch V for Vendetta...
I did not expect to be impressed. How shall I put it..., I find it AMAZING...!!
So, people, just," Remember, remember the 5th of November."

and @ Tarek, I remembered you while watching the movie, not only because the story was in London, but also and for most because of the "British Accent" ;) ^^/. I was smiling all time along. lol...Somehow, for the first time, I got to notice and appreciate the British accent ;). Thanks for drawing my attention to it.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Hello there. Just stopping by to have a break...
People, I am telling you, there is one thing, unfortunately, that can not turn virtual...Do you guess. Come on !...We can never have an e-moving ;_; coz, moving is simply a real, boring, tiring and hectic task >___<...It is the only thing I wish I could do through sitting before my computer and simply type some characters and houurra it's done, it's over. No, no, no, no, big girl, that is a dream, and a stupid one >__<
Just wake up and go back finish the cleaning.
Ohhhhhhh e-friends, here and there, how I am exhausted >___________< !!!!!
GRRRRRRRRRRR. I try to enjoy it, but it simply ain't enjoyable.
Does anyone have fun when moving...alone?
I grant some benefit of the doubt to those who enjoy packing/unpacking together or in a group. Indeed, dividing the tasks...helps conquer the moving **/.
Enough now, please write back, cheer me up, ALLEZ, ALLEZ, ALLEZ, go, go, go, La copa de la vida . loooool. Hehehe, Yes, I usually enjoy break times and do my best to have them enjoyable. The more one smiles, the more one could face "troubles" in "hikkoshiiii" da nightmare :). ok, let me see it with a new eye **: hikkoshi "es competicion"...Now, that is a motivation ;)

See you guys in a while. I am determined to get over with it TODAY !