Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I was all day, and actually still am, in front of the PC and all I could come out with are these few lines:

I have to concentrate.






Though I'm in a convalescence period, I feel stressed out and that I need to do something, to keep doing something and seriously to get me on the track with my PhD thesis.
I was wandering on some other PhD student blogs and I felt a relief. A BIG RELIEF. Because as I read through about the problems of others I felt "not alone", not "the only one" with many troubles to deal with, as far as research concerns.
You don't know how much doing a PhD is a painful task. Painful mentally and physically. Let alone when one does it in a foreign country. In those times of despair, you terribly miss "mom", "mom's care", "mom's love" etc.
I guess reading about the experiences of others helps calm down oneself. Because I can feel that I am not the only victim of stress, that being in turmoil is part of the PhD.

So, back on the tracks. Now I am writing, you see. I am good at writing anything except what I am technically supposed to be writing. This is Procrastination. Apart from stress I might confidently say that I suffer from procrastinating most of the time. See, there is where my time is going and I keep asking myself where the heck is my time?? I got no time? I'm lost for time???
Now, I am not lost for words but if I had to get back to that sheet of paper on which I've written the four former lines, I would have been lost for words >_<.

Well, now I think I should take a break.
Ironically after being sick with an acute bronchitis that caused me to have an acute proctitis (dude !! what’s with all these “itis” and me), now am having a stomach ache and I am afraid it's gonna feel bad for a couple of days. Then next Wednesday comes my birthday. I hope I won't have to spend it alone. All my good friend are gone by now in this Cowtown where I live. I love our Cowtown though :). It is cozy and "human friendly" (something sometimes rare in Nihon). Two years ago I hated my Cowtown. Time really heals. Anything, I guess! Another word for it in Arabic is "assabr" which means patience...

Well I will be right back.
I need to eat me this yogurt because I have some medicine to take.

Catch you later.

whoo I'm loving this blog thing ^^/


Blogger a gaijin in nihon said...

Hallo Chris ( I hope you won't mind calling you Chris ),
Well, Freut mich !!
(-^_^-), Ich habe Deutsch gelernt aber , ich habe ziemlich alles vergessen, immer >_<, ;_;.

That's all I can recall. Entschuldigen Sie, bitte. And that would be great if you correct my mistakes. I love German but with lack of practice one ends up forgetting, sadly.

I have been to Düsseldorf once. We had to cross Köln by bus in the way to Düsseldorf. I hope one day I could visit Bottrop too :).

Well, Welcome to my blog. I almost forgot to say that. Hehehe -^_^-

7:40 PM  

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