Sunday, December 18, 2005

Quotes that fit? Gotta try!

I took the quiz from ahmad's blog. :) I liked it too. Here are my results:

Your wise quote is: "Our greatest glory is not
in never falling, but in rising everytime we
fall" by Confucius.
Yes indeed, you see true strenght can only be
seen when a person has "fallen". Only
then one can tell how they will handle it. Just
don't make others fall so you can know who they
really are. You on the other hand may be a very
quick recoverer and don't let people bring you
down. You are your own, and you're find with
that. Emotional issues is something you handle
rather nicely.

What wise quote fits you? [pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

Well I might say that I fit in the quote rather than the quote fits me.
My wise quote is actually: to never give up!


Blogger lifeflaw said...

Yeah, life is like martial arts... when you fall, you should recover and stand up quickly. :)

2:07 AM  
Blogger a gaijin in nihon said...

You just reminded me of a nice quote from "Batman Begins" (hehe I had to see it as I was stuck on bed for a while, nothing to do but watch dvds ^^), Well the dad said: " And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up. "

2:07 PM  

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