Monday, January 14, 2008

Fearing the Beast

She's been avoiding meeting him for a while. She's kept postponing the inevitable encounter for a while. She's been simply procrastinating about it for a while.
And then, out of the blue, while she was about to leave, in her bubble of fear, a shadow flashes on her room door glass. Oh, God, it's him. And yes, it was him! Her beast about to open the door! For the nanoseconds that preceeded their "delayed meeting" she was stoned, wishing she had the magical power of disappearing!
He opens the door! Surprised to see her, with a large smile, greeted her, Hello! How have you been! To her wonder, she didn't see the beast. She smiled back, happy to have ended that series of unconfortable avoidance with a smile. A genuine smile, indeed!
That was it! all that built-in fear and successions of worst case scenarios and imagination of horrible reactions vanished....with a smile.
She stood there confident. He left. She stayed pondering.
My only own Fear....My biggest Fear....My.....self!


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